I made this compeletly on a whim because I've always been intrested in old internet and html! I didnt get to experince much of it as a child, the computer was always occupied by my older sister and by the mid 2000's the internet had already begun changing. I didn't even know I could have made my own website at that point

I'm lettuce, I'm 20 years old, and I use He/It pronouns! This site may change as I change, or I'll forget about it entirely and never visit it again!. I like drawing and art related things. I don't post art online anymore, or atleast for now, Too much trouble. I also have a tumblr

I have alot of really cool friends that ill probably never show this site to. I also have many people who I may never talk to again, but if anyone I know comes across this SOMEHOW, yes. It's me. I did this all in one day. I used a layout maker that you can find here!

I'm super new to this, if you come across this site and see any issues please tell me in the chatbox!! (unless there is no chatbox, in the case I couldn't figure out how to add it!!)


I did a thhing because I was bored! thats it!!

Buh-Bye now!! :3